Friday, April 29, 2011

Takkan pernah lupa (Part 2)

Song playing : Hujan - Muda



Banyak benda aku nak cakap, tapi bila bukak je blog banyak tu semua hilang. sobs

Okay, sambung balik. Masa awal masuk kelas, aku kena tegur dengan ketua kelas si Khalis, sebab aku dok sibuk betulkan plastik meja. Dia suruh berhenti, dengar dulu cikgu addmaths mengajar. Time tu sumpah nak nangis weh. Hari first kot, memang aku takda mood langsung. See my face? Never smile at all. haha 

Begitulah hari-hari seterusnya. Sekejap, aku lupa la since bila aku rapat dgn Jannah.

my bunnies, forever

Sejujurnya, masa awal dulu aku memang stress gila. Konon-konon nak betul-betul study sebab PMR tak dapat straight A's macam parent aku expected. Aku ingat lagi satu masa tu, depa ni ajak aku lepak satu tempat dengan diorang, tapi aku buta-buta tolak atas alasan; aku nak study. 

Honeys, lemme tell you. 

Aku bukan saja-saja tolak, aku kenal diri aku. Kalau korang bercakap, for sure aku akan tutup buku dan join bersembang. haha, aku kaki sembang yang pantang di ajak bersembang laa. Dah lama-lama aku mula adapt dengan depa even kadang-kadang mengumpat satu sama lain belakang-belakang, haha. Aku tau la kome ada cakap-cakap belakang aku, sebab orang sampaikan balik ke aku, tapi aku tak kisah dan tak ambil hati pun. Kita semua ada hak untuk bercakap kan? Mesti ada je sedikit sebanyak yang tak sependapat kan kan. Dan hati aku, susah nak baca..banyak benda aku suka berahsia. Karang tak tanya tiba-tiba bercerita pun, over pulekss kan. 

dah mula lupa diri haha
Sama prep, dining, bawa hpone, haha. Menggedik tak kira tempat, ni Kyra la mengajar haha. Satu benda aku suka pasal kelas aku, the girls (tak semua) tak da nak cover-cover acting baik depan lelaki.

it is normal to be honest , and it is a MUST - shrfh

Oh, kelas aku bukan semua perempuan. Ada jugak lelaki, cuma aku kurang cakap dengan dorang sebab kawan perempuan dah ramai sangat haha. Sadis kan, bila teringat balik, menyesal. haha. Just sekali dua je aku sembang dgn depa. 

Banyak kenangan ohoii, paling aku ingat, ada satu malam, semua nak rumble (betul ke ejanya?) sirae . Tapi masa tu tirahani ni tak sihat, demam. Dan dorm aku la yang sorokkan dia daripada budak-budak lain. Kesian dia, menangis sbb kena rumble jugak akhirnya. Malam tu, rasanya aku jaga kau kan kan kan? haha 

Ingat tak Lily ada buat $@#% dan aku ada rakam vdeo tu, dia nyanyi lagu ketika cinta bertasbih. Video tu dah hilang, sedih betul. Gambar je still dalam simpanan aku, tapi tak boleh publish, time tu kita freehair.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Takkan pernah lupa (Part 1)

Song playing : Hujan - Muda

Tamatlah zaman persekolahanMasih dihantui memori 
Waktu kecil waktu yang gemilang 
Oh Tuhan ku tak mahu pergi 
Alangkah indahnya dunia 
Bila kita semua tak akan membesar 
Alangkah indahnya dunia 
Bila kita semua akan bersama selamanya

I miss 4 Perdangangan 1 (2009)

Hari pertama di Pejabat S***, aku jumpa Dayah dan Wani Peah. Wani, nama sama, jurusan sama, blok asrama sama, sama aras cuma sebelah kelas dan sebelah dorm. Aku ingat lagi hari pertama aku masuk sekolah tu, semua pandang aku. Lagak macam aku bukan sama macam diorang. Hari pertama, aku rasa menyampah. Aku rasa aku betul-betul tak boleh masuk dengan perangai hu-ha diorang.

Hari pertama, tak ada meja tak ada kerusi. Aku ingat lagi paling banyak cakap Shrfh. Dia tanya itu ini kat mak aku sama macam Lily. Tapi satu pun tak menarik minat aku. Aku rasa kosong, mungkin sebab masa tu meninggalkan yang tersayang (kononnya) lul haha.

Afiqiah Nuruljannah - one of bestfriend aku sepanjang kat asrama

Time passes. Memories fade. Feelings change. People leave. But hearts never forget.

Mak abah balik, aku pun start rasa nak nangis. Weh, aku bawak handphone okay masa hari pertama. Muka je acah-acah suci, rindu rumah. Walhal. 😂


Sunday, March 27, 2011


Dear **, 

No relationship is without problems. Lately we have been fighting a little too much. I have made mistakes too. Instead of trying to work through any disagreements, I have stood my stuborn ground and I have said many things when we I should have held my tongue. I admit my mistakes and I am so sorry for any trouble we are going through.

This letter isn't to say who is right and who is wrong. In fact, I am not even going to bring up any of the current arguements we have been having. I only wanted to write you this letter to tell you that I know we can work through them. No matter how strongly we disagree on any subject, I will always be able to say this : I am madly in love with you and never want anything to get in between us. I think you feel the same way too.

**, my love for you is still as strong as it when we first became lovers. It is even stronger now. It is only because we love each other so much that we are able to survive such tumultuous times. We are able to stick by each other’s side, even when we are able not getting along. Our love is so powerful it binds us together like glue. And I must admit, I enjoy it. I love being so close to you and knowing that nothing could ever separate us, not even the toughest of relationship problems. 

Still, I would rather not fight with the one I love so dearly. Right now I want to focus on the man I fell head over heels for and our love together. You are so important to me. You are more important than the air I breathe, more than blood pumping through my heart and much more than any trivial problem which seem so important at the time.

I propose, my sweet, that for at least one night we should set aside our differences. Let’s forget our problems. The time is largely overdue for some attention that needs to be made to loving each other to do this for one another.

In love, wani .

Sorry, I fantasize about you. 'You' that never existed in the real world.
Thanks for coming in my dream.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Love is tough?

Bad is easy, Good is hard. 
Losing is easy. Winning is hard. 
Talking is easy. Listening is hard. 
Watching TV is easy. Reading is hard. 
Giving advice is easy. Taking advice is hard. 
Flab is easy. Muscle is hard. 
Stop is easy. Go is hard. 
Dirty is easy. Clean is hard. 
Take is easy. Give is hard. 
Dream is easy. Think is hard. 

 Lying is easy. Truth is hard. 
Sleeping is easy. Waking is hard. 
Talking about God is easy. Praying to God is hard. 
Watching basketball is easy. Playing basketball is hard. 
Holding a grudge is easy. Forgiving is hard. 
Telling a secret is easy. Keeping a secret is hard. 
Play is easy. Work is hard. 
Falling is easy. Getting up is hard. 
Spending is easy. Saving is hard. 
Eating is easy. Dieting is hard. 
Doubt is easy. Faith is hard. 

Laughter is easy. Tears are hard. 
Criticizing is easy. Taking criticism is hard. 
Letting go is easy. Hanging on is hard. 
Secret sin is easy. Confession is hard. 
Pride is easy. Humility is hard. 
Excusing oneself is easy. Excusing others is hard. 
Borrowing is easy. Paying back is hard. 
Sex is easy. Love is hard. 
Argument is easy. Negotiation is hard. 
Naughty is easy. Nice is hard. 
Going along is easy. Walking alone is hard. 
Dumb is easy. Smart is hard. 
Cowardice is easy. Bravery is hard. 
Messy is easy. Neat is hard. 
War is easy. Peace is hard. 

Sarcasm is easy. Sincerity is hard. 
An F is easy. An A is hard. 
Growing weeds is easy. Growing flowers is hard. 
Reaction is easy. Action is hard. 
Can't do is easy. Can do is hard. 
Feasting is easy. Fasting is hard. 
Following is easy. Leading is hard. 
Having friend is easy. Being a friend is hard. 
Dying is easy. Living is hard. 

No matter who we are, life is hard, and we all ask why it should be so. But there is comfort in knowing we're not alone. So maybe your child or the person sitting over there needs to hear from you right this minute that sometimes you question, too, but that the One who knows us best and loves us the most promises that for those who choose the hard way, the dawn gives way to morning splendor while the evil grope and stumble in the dark. It just is. Nothing in life that is good and worthwhile comes without effort.