Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eyes. For those who are about to rain me with 'How's life?' question should be ready for this coming, awesome answers.
I've planned on writing this on Wednesday, but ended up writing this tonight. So with the power that I have, let’s go back to Wednesday, May 8 2013 – SEMESTER BREAK AND YAY! Internships Done! Friday ( 03 May 2013) is my last day of intern at Perbadanan Putrajaya. The last day of my internship, and it's with a heavy heart that I'm leaving. Well a mix of feelings overwhelm me, there are happy, sad, worried touched etc. I've really enjoyed my time here, and there are so many things I'm thankful for. The people I've learned from, worked with, and received advice from. What an amazing staffs, I'm going to miss them!
I'm a talkative person. I'm not naturally quiet. It just me, need few days/months to adapt and learn the new people that I met. Because they said my words sharper than knives. But few of em will understand.
So. I am a student now/again. I might not extend the semester, the new subjects that I am going to take are starting to hate/kill me. I guess I need to start getting back on track but, there is still semester break. yehaa
On my first week interning with Perbadanan Putrajaya. Making myself comfy and cozy in the office and lots of random fun stuff happens during working hours, and yes ofcourse with the free food almost everyday.
The experience for just one week feels like I've been there for a month. Everything is very fast pace and I don’t mind even working after working days at times as many others does that to as too much event held there in Putrajaya. I've been exposed to different fields and a variety of clients. Oh my, it's so tough.. I'm sure one day I'll meet these amazing people again!
Speaking of time, I think I need more of them anyhow.
Sejak internship ni, I've learned to live a double life. Sebelum ni sebagai free from the responsibilities of real world employment, student most of time. Lepas tu menjalani hidup the working like I’m employed in the real world intern. Haha. Seriously, hell tired. Too much stories to share but i don't know how to scribble the words, mungkin lama sangat tak menaip panjang. haha So here some of the photos during my internship at Perbadanan Putrajaya.